Author Events,  On Writing and Art

The Art of Revision

Hoi An is a town that relies heavily on tourism. With Vietnam’s borders closed and most foreigners repatriated, many locals have found themselves without work. The pandemic threatens lives in so many ways.

Inspired by multiple fundraising events in my neighborhood, I decided to donate my time and teach a writing class for the authors that happen to live here.

Last week, a group of women came together to discuss the Art of Revision. We talked about First Draft Panic and Tropes and Catalysts and Stakes and Chains of Causation. And we discussed Character Arcs, Moral Ambiguities, and the Balance of Backstory. It was so nice to meet writers again in real life, be in one room and talk about craft.

Donations went to the Kianh Foundation, directed by Jacqueline Louise Wrafter, an author writing her memoir on her experiences in Vietnam. Please read about her good work and perhaps, if you’re able, make a donation.