Slow Travel: The Enzenbühl Cemetery
“And when my spirit wants no stimulus or nourishment save music, I know it is to be sought in cemeteries: the musicians hide in the tombs; from grave to grave flute trills, harp chords answer one another.”
―Italo Calvino
Today, on my slow-traveling walk, I ambled into the Friedhof Enzenbühl (aka Friedhof Rehalp or the Enzenbühl Cemetery). The Swiss, apparently, like to pair their dead with art. This graveyard is a sculpture garden. A treasure.
I have much to write on the subject of Beauty and Death, Art and Grief, but it will have to wait until another day.
Ever since I arrived in Switzerland, my nights have been short. Too short. I wake up at 5 or 6 am with the sounds of the birds and get to work right away. On one of my novels, that is, one of my Big Projects.
Sometimes, I still have some energy left by the end of the day to write a blog or fix a short story. Not today. So I’m going to leave you with my impression in images.