The Men on the Fence
So proud my writing is featured in TriQuarterly.
The story about empathy and territorial borders is, unfortunately, very relevant today.
From Issue 151 – Winter/Spring 2017, preview of “The Men on the Fence.”
The boy watches them from the outdoor pool, the men on the fence, perched like birds on a wire. They are present every day, from the moment the boy opens his shutters in the morning until his parents send him to bed at night. The chain-link fence is the resort’s southern border, and men are sitting on it everywhere, in clusters of five or more. They balance with both legs on one side or sit as if on a saddle, feet dangling. Although the men are far away, the boy believes he is being watched. A paddling white mouse in a blue box of water. Perhaps they dream of his movements, the freedom of his limbs, how it feels to be submerged, clean and cool.